Software Emulator
Watch Window : Watch window displays the data memory location and data
to be watched. It mirrors the value displayed in the RAM window. The Watch
window is provided as a help to display locations that may not be visible in the
RAM window without scrolling. See Ram Window above to know more about
how to use Watch window.
Figure 5–18. CPU Window
CPU Window : Displays values in all MSP50P614/MSP50C614 system
registers and some additional information. Editing a register value is similar to
editing a data memory value in RAM Window. The first two columns have
registers labeled 00h to 1Fh the 16-bit accumulators. R0 to R7 indicates
indirect register values. Values in parenthesis indicates the values pointed by
the register using indirect addressing. This value is displayed only when valid
data memory address in present in the register. The fourth column is all status
register (STAT) bits. AP0 to AP3 are accumulator pointers, 5 bits of which is
active. CLK field is the clocks taken. The emulator keeps track of the number
of cycles used. This counter can be reset by using the Init/All or Init/All Except
Breakpoints menu options. It is provided as a convenience to