
Development Device: MSP50P614
1.3 Development Device: MSP50P614
The MSP50P614 is an EPROM based version of the MSP50C614, and is
available in 120 pin windowed ceramic pin grid array. This EPROM based
version of the device is only available in limited quantities to support software
development. Since the MSP50P614 program memory is EPROM, each
person doing software development should have several of these PGA
packaged devices.
The MSP software development tool supports non-real-time debugging by
scanning the code sequence through the MSP50C614/MSP50P614 scanport
without programming the EPROM. However, the rate of code execution is lim-
ited by the speed of the PC parallel port. Any MSP50C614/MSP50P614 can
be used in this debugging mode.
The MSP50P614 EPROM must be programmed to debug the code in real
time. The MSP software development tool is used to program the EPROM, set
a breakpoint, and evaluate the internal registers after the breakpoint is
reached. If a change is made to the code, the code will need to be updated and
programmed into another device while erasing previous devices. This cycle
of programming, debugging, and erasing typically requires 10–15 devices to
be in the eraser at any one time, so 15–20 devices may be required to operate
efficiently. The windowed PGA version of the MSP50P614 is required for this
debugging mode.