Software Emulator
Code Development Tools
Stop Internal : This menu option halts execution of an internal program. It
provides an internal picture of the chip at the time the internal program
execution was halted. Note that due to the asynchronous nature of this halt,
one erroneous instruction may be executed before the chip actually stops. For
the MSP50P614/MSP50C614 chip, it restarts the emulation mode and reads
the CPU and RAM values. Execution can then proceed either in emulation
mode, or in internal mode to the hardware breakpoint. NOTE: A hardware
breakpoint must be set using SHIFT+RIGHT mouse click to the line of interest.
Synchronize Project/Chip : This menu option compares the currently
opened project object code with that in the program memory of the chip. The
number of location not matched is displayed.
5.6.5 Initializing Chip
When the Chip is RESET, the hardware initializes the chip’s I/O registers to a
know state. But the data memory, accumulators, accumulator pointers,
indirect registers and other system registers are at a random state. Register
initializations are done by the Init menu. There are five initialization options
(Figure 5–26), each of which is described below:
Figure 5–27. Init Menu Option
All except BP : This menu option initializes all internal registers and all RAM
locations on the chip to zero (except PC which is set to start of program). It also
resets the cycle counter. The program counter set at the value indicated by the
start vector at address 0xFFFF. However, the breakpoints (if any) are not reset.
This is the preferred initialization when a program is being debugged.