Software Emulator
5.6.8 Known Differences, Incompatibilities, Restrictions
Include statements in assembly language files must enclose the file name
in double quotes.
REF/DEF statements in assembly language files should be replaced with
EXTERNAL/GLOBAL statements, but the old REF/DEF are still
There is no default type for variables in the C– – compiler. The user should
always use
Typedef is not supported in C– –
To use external functions in C– –, put a function prototype in the file that
calls the external function.
To use external variables in C– –, declare them as
. Note that only
the file containing the
routine can contain global variable
If cmm6xx.asm is included in a project file, the resulting linked file will have
a start vector address (address 0x7FFF) of _main1, corresponding to a
line in cmm6xx.asm that forces a jump to _main0. The C– – compiler au-
tomatically defines a _main0 label just prior to forcing a call to _main, if
there is a C– – file containing the main routine. If not, it is up to the user
to define a _main0 label in one of the assembly language routines: this
will be the starting point of the program.