
Texas Instruments C614 Synthesis Code
To continue, click on the Run Internal icon again. The LEDs should flash during
MELP synthesis (
Extra, extra, read all about it
) and should flash in a different
pattern after MELP synthesis.
Running the Program
The MELP1 program can run on either the demo box or the code development
board. The latter has only two switches (SW1 and SW2) while the former has
ten switches (SW1 to SW10), four LEDs, an LCD, an EPROM socket and a
flash card socket.
Upon power-up the 614 should say
Extra, extra etc
and the LEDs should flash
in alternating pairs. When the LED pattern becomes a
rolling one
the program
is sitting in a loop and scanning SW1 and SW2. Pressing SW1 launches the
MELP synthesizer into 11
phrases. Pressing SW2 begins a more
complex sequence of events. One MELP phrase is synthesized and then the
614 goes into midsleep mode (the LEDs will cease flashing). This sleep mode
can be exited by pressing SW1, after which another
character voice
will be
synthesized. Finally, if an EPROM is plugged in and it contains MELP speech
data (at address 0x0000) then this data will be synthesized before the program
returns to the tight keyscan loop.
At any time during speech you can press one of the port F keys (SW3 to SW10)
to skip to the next phrase. This feature is not available when running the code
on the demo box.
Directory Structure
–––––––– dsp
| –––––––– common
| util.obj
| –––––––– general
| dsputil.asm
| getbits.asm
| speak.asm
| dsp_var.irx
| speak.irx