Texas Instruments C614 Synthesis Code
6.3 Texas Instruments C614 Synthesis Code
Some sample codes are supplied with the development tools. These samples
are in the .\Examples subdirectory where the tool is installed. In this manual
only one example code is explained. This description applies to all the code
development. The following example assumes that you have the MSP
scanport interface connected to the parallel port of your PC, and TI speech
code development unit connected to the MSP Scanport interface. You should
have the MSP50C6xx code development tool already installed on the system
before attempting to continue with this example.
This example code demonstrates MELP running at 2400 bps. It shows how to
use the timer interrupts to scan a keyboard and flash LEDs while speaking.
Activation of the sleep modes is also illustrated.
Getting Started
Connect the MSP scanport (the small grey metal box) to the PC and to the
speech development board. Ensure that the scanport and the development
board are powered on (the red LED and the green LED on the MSP Scanport
are both illuminated) before attempting to start the code development tool.
Click on Start menu, go to Programs – EMUC6xx and click on MSP50C6xx
development tool menu item. To open a project click on
Project – New Project
and select the desired project file. e.g.,
Click on
Project – Build
to assemble and link the constituent files of the project.
Then click
Debug – Eprom Programming
and select
Blank Check + Program
to burn the code onto a P614 device. Alternatively, press F3 then ENTER.
Set the breakpoint at the _main label. To do this click on the blue magnifying
glass icon at the top of the screen, then from the Symbol list choose _main.
Click OK and the Program Window will display the label and the surrounding
code. The line of code at _main – MOV R7,STACK – is highlighted in cyan.
Set the breakpoint by moving the mouse to this line, holding the SHIFT key and
clicking the right mouse button.
Click on
Init – Init All
to reset the P614. All the values in the RAM window should
turn blue and should be zero (0000).
To run the program, click on the yellow lightning/black centipede (Run Internal)
icon at the end of the tool bar. The program should halt at the _main label. All
the values in the CPU window should be blue and zero apart from PC, STAT,
DP, RZF and ZF.