Instruction Syntax and Addressing Modes
4.3.4 Direct Addressing
Direct addressing always requires two instruction words. The second word
operand is used directly as the memory address. The memory operand may
be a label or an expression.
,] *
[* 2] [,
next A
[* 2] [,
next A
Memory Operand
Note the multiplication by 2 with the data memory address. This only needs
to be done for word addresses, i.e., the address that points to 16-bit words.
This is not required for byte addresses. This is explained in detail in section
Example 4.3.5 MOV A2, *0x022A * 2
Refer to the initial processor state in Table 4–8 before execution of this instruc-
tion. Loads the contents of data memory location 0x022A (=0x0400) to A2 or
AC11. The MSP50P614/MSP50C614 always accesses data memory as byte
addresses. To read a word address, multiply the address by 2. Final result,
A2 = AC11 = 0x0400.
Example 4.3.6 MOV A1~, *0x01F2 * 2, ++A
Refer to the initial processor state in Table 4–8 before execution of this instruc-
tion. Preincrement AP1. After preincrement A1 is AC22 and A1~ is AC6. The
content of data memory location 0x01F2 (=0x12AC) is then loaded to accumu-
lator AC22 (offset of AC6). Final result, AP1=22, AC6 = 0x12AC.
Example 4.3.7 SUB A1~, A1, *0x02A1 * 2, ––A
Refer to the initial processor state in Table 4–8 before execution of this instruc-
tion. Predecrement AP1. After predecrement A1 is AC20 and A1~ is AC4. Sub-
tract the content of 0x02A1 (=0x1001) in data memory from AC20 and store
result to AC4. Final result, AP1 = 20, AC4 = AC20 – 0x1001 = 0x3321 – 0x1001
= 0x2320.
Example 4.3.8 MOV *0x012F * 2, *A0
Refer to the initial processor state in Table 4–8 before execution of this instruc-
tion. This is a table lookup instruction. This instruction reads the program
memory address stored in A0 or AC2 and stores the data in data memory loca-
tion 0x012F. Final result, *0x012F = 0x1B12.
Example 4.3.9 MULR *0x02A1 * 2
Refer to the initial processor state in Table 4–8 before execution of this instruc-
tion. Multiply MR with the contents of 0x02A1. The MSB of the result is stored
in PH register and rounded. The LSB is ignored. Final result, multiply MR •
*0x02A1 = 0x1A15 • 0x1001 = 0x1A16A15, PH = 0x01A1.