
5: Commands and Levels
IntelliBox-I/O 2100 Command Reference 70
line <line>
Enters the line level.
lpd <line>
Enters the configure lpd level.
name <text>
Sets the name for this line.
no clear line counters
Restores the serial counters to the aggregate values.
no command mode
Disables command mode for the current line.
no command mode serial string
Prevents the user-defined serial boot string from being
used to enter
no command mode signon message
Clears the signon message displayed at boot time and
when entering
no name
Removes the name of this line.
parity even
Uses a parity bit on the line for even parity.
parity none
Does not use a parity bit on the line.
parity odd
Uses a parity bit on the line for odd parity.
protocol lpd
Applies Line Printer Daemon (LPD) protocol on the line.
protocol lpd or tunnel
Applies LPD or tunnel protocol on the line.
protocol modbus ascii
Applies Modbus ASCII protocol on the line.
protocol modbus rtu
Applies Modbus RTU protocol on the line.
protocol none
Uses no protocol on the line.
protocol tunnel
Applies tunnel protocol on the line.
Asserts line status with current configured values.
Displays the current status.
show command mode
Shows the command mode settings for the current line.
show history
Displays the last 20 commands entered during the current
CLI session.
show line
Displays the current configuration.
show statistics
Shows the line statistics.
state disable
Disables the line so data cannot be sent/received.
state enable
Enables the line so data can be sent/received.
stop bits 1
Uses one stop bit after data on the line.
stop bits 2
Uses two stop bits after data on the line.
terminal <line>
Enters the configure-terminal level.
terminal network
Enters the configure-terminal level for the network.
termination disable
Refrains from terminating the line.
termination enable Enables 120 ohm line termination in RS485 half-duplex
tunnel <line>
Enters the tunnel level.
Stores the current configuration in permanent memory.
xoff char <control>
Sets the xoff character for use with software flow control
on this line.
xon char <control>
Sets the xon character for use with software flow control
on this line.
line 2 (line:2) level commands
auto show statistics
Continuously displays line statistics.
baud rate <bits per second>
Sets the line speed.
clear line counters
Sets the serial counters to zero.
Clears the screen.
command mode always
Sets the current line to always be in command mode.