5: Commands and Levels
IntelliBox-I/O 2100 Command Reference 64
Changes to the command level for EventTrak Match con-
Displays the last 20 commands entered during the current
CLI session.
task <number>
Changes to the command level for EventTrak Task confi-
Stores the current configuration in permanent memory.
eventtrak 2 (config-eventtrak:2) level commands
Changes to the command level for EventTrak configura-
Exits to the configuration level.
Changes to the command level for EventTrak Match con-
Displays the last 20 commands entered during the current
CLI session.
task <number>
Changes to the command level for EventTrak Task confi-
Stores the current configuration in permanent memory.
filesystem (filesystem) level commands
Show the contents of a file
Change the current directory to the specified directory
Compact the file system, freeing all dirty space
cp <source file> <destination file>
Show contents of a file as a hex dump
Exits to the enable level.
Format the file system and lose all data
Show all files and directories in the current directory
Show all files and directories in the specified directory
mv <source file> <destination file>
Move a file on the file system
Show file system statistics
Displays the last 20 commands entered during the current
CLI session.
Show all files and directories from current directory
tftp get ascii <source file> <destination file> <host>
Get an ascii file using TFTP
tftp get ascii <source file> <destination file> <host> <port>
Get an ascii file using TFTP
tftp get binary <source file> <destination file> <host>
Get a binary file using TFTP
tftp get binary <source file> <destination
file> <host> <port>
Get a binary file using TFTP
tftp put ascii <source file> <destination file> <host>
Put an ascii file using TFTP
tftp put ascii <source file> <destination file> <host> <port>
Put an ascii file using TFTP
tftp put binary <source file> <destination file> <host>
Put a binary file using TFTP
tftp put binary <source file> <destination
Put a binary file using TFTP