5: Commands and Levels
IntelliBox-I/O 2100 Command Reference 69
add <ip address> <subnet mask>
Adds an entry to the IP filter table.
Returns to the config level.
remove <ip address> <subnet mask>
Removes an entry from the IP filter table.
Displays the IP filter table.
Displays the last 20 commands entered during the current
CLI session.
Stores the current configuration in permanent memory.
line 1 (line:1) level commands
Continuously displays line statistics.
baud rate <bits per second>
Sets the serial counters to zero.
Sets the current line to always be in command mode.
command mode echo serial string disable
Disables user-defined serial boot string to be echoed in
the CLI.
command mode echo serial string enable
Enables user-defined serial boot string to be echoed in the
command mode serial string
Enables user to enter a custom string at boot time to enter
command mode.
command mode serial string <string>
Sets a string that can be entered at boot time to enter
command mode serial string binary <string>
Sets a binary string that can be entered at boot time to
enter command mode.
command mode signon message <string>
Sets an ASCII sign-on message that is sent from the seri-
al port when the
command mode signon message binary
Sets a binary sign-on message that is sent from the serial
command mode wait time <milliseconds>
Sets boot-up wait time for command mode serial string.
Uses seven bits for data on the line.
Uses eight bits for data on the line.
Restores the default speed of 9600 bits per second.
Restores the default of eight data bits.
Restores the default of no flow control.
Restores the default interface type to this line.
Restores the default of no parity.
Restores the default protocol on the line.
Restores the default of one stop bit.
Restores the default xoff character on this line.
Restores the default xon character on this line.
Exits to the enable level
Uses hardware (RTS/CTS) flow control on the line.
Does not provide flow control on the line.
Uses software (xon/xoff characters) flow control on the
Sets the line interface to RS232.
interface rs485 full-duplex
Sets the line interface to RS485 in full-duplex mode.
interface rs485 half-duplex
Sets the line interface to RS485 in half-duplex mode.