Cisco ONS 15327 Troubleshooting Guide, R3.4
April 2003
Chapter 1 General Troubleshooting
CTC Operation Troubleshooting
Table 1-16 on page 1-59 shows JRE compatibility with ONS 15327 software releases.
Procedure: Launch CTC to Correct the Core Version Build
Step 1 Exit the current CTC session and completely close the browser.
Step 2 Start the browser.
Step 3 Type the ONS 15327 IP address of the node that reported the alarm. This can be the original IP address
you logged in with or an IP address other than the original.
Step 4 Log into CTC. The browser downloads the JAR file from CTC.
Note After Release 2.2.2, the single CMS.jar file evolved into core and element files. Core files are
common to both the ONS 15327 and ONS 15454, while the element files are unique to the
particular product. For example, the ONS 15327 Release 1.0 uses a Version 2.3 core build and a
Version 1.0 element build. To display the CTC Core Version number, from the CTC menu bar
click Help > About CTC. This lists the core and element builds discovered on the network.
1.6.9 Different CTC Releases Do Not Recognize Each Other
Symptom This situation is often accompanied by the INCOMPATIBLE-SW alarm.
Table 1-17 on page 1-60 describes the potential cause of the symptom and the solution.
Table 1-16 JRE Compatibility
ONS Software Release JRE 1.2.2 Compatible JRE 1.3 Compatible
ONS 15327 Release 1.0.0 Yes No
ONS 15327 Release 1.0.1 Yes Yes
ONS 15327 Release 2.2.1 and earlier Yes No
ONS 15327 Release 2.2.2 Yes Yes
ONS 15327 Release 3.0 Yes Yes
ONS 15327 Release 3.1 Yes Yes
ONS 15327 Release 3.2 Yes Yes
ONS 15327 Release 3.3 Yes Yes
ONS 15327 Release 3.4 No Yes