Cisco ONS 15327 Troubleshooting Guide, R3.4
March 2004
Chapter 2 Alarm Troubleshooting
Alarm Procedures
Step 4 If you prefer the card that physically occupies the slot and the card is not in service, has no circuits
mapped, and is not part of a protection group, put the cursor over the provisioned card in CTC and
right-click to choose Delete Card.
The card that physically occupies the slot reboots, and CTC automatically provisions the card type into
that slot.
Note If the card is in service, has a circuit mapped, is paired in a working protection scheme, has DCC
communications turned on, or is used as a timing reference, CTC does not allow you to delete
the card.
Step 5 If any ports on the card are in service, take them out of service:
Caution Before taking ports out of service, ensure that no live traffic.
a. Double-click the reporting card to display the card view:
b. Click the Provisioning tab.
c. Click the State of any in-service ports.
d. Choose OOS to take the ports out of service.
Step 6 If a circuit has been mapped to the card, complete the “Delete a Circuit” procedure on page 2-128.:
Caution Before deleting the circuit, ensure that live traffic is not present.
Step 7 If the card is paired in a protection scheme, delete the protection group:
a. Click the Provisioning > Protection tabs.
b. Choose the protection group of the reporting card.
c. Click Delete.
Step 8 Right-click the card reporting the alarm.
Step 9 Choose Delete.
The card that physically occupies the slot reboots, and CTC automatically provisions the card type into
that slot.
Step 10 If the alarm does not clear, log onto http://www.cisco.com/tac for more information or call TAC to report
a service-affecting problem (1-800-553-2447).
2.6.128 MEM-GONE
• Major (MJ), Non-Service Affecting (NSA)
The Memory Gone (MEM-GONE) alarm occurs when data generated by software operations exceeds
the memory capacity of the XTC card. CTC and the XTC card do not function properly until the alarm
clears. The alarm clears when additional memory becomes available.
The alarm does not require user intervention. If the alarm does not clear, log onto
http://www.cisco.com/tac for more information or call TAC (1-800-553-2447).