Cisco ONS 15327 Troubleshooting Guide, R3.4
March 2004
Chapter 2 Alarm Troubleshooting
Alarm Procedures
Step 5 If the circuit deletion and recreation does not clear the alarm, verify the far-end OC-N card that provides
STS payload to the XTC card.
Step 6 If the alarm does not clear, verify the cross-connect between the OC-N card and the XTC card.
Step 7 If the alarm does not clear, clean the far-end optical fiber according to site practice. If no site practice
exists, complete the procedure in the Cisco ONS 15327 Procedure Guide.
Step 8 If the alarm does not clear, complete the “Physically Replace a Card” procedure on page 2-130 for the
reporting traffic card.
Note When replacing a card with an identical type of card, no additional CTC provisioning is
Step 9 If the alarm does not clear, log onto http://www.cisco.com/tac for more information or call TAC to report
a service-affecting problem (1-800-553-2447).
2.6.134 PLM-V
• Minor (MN), Service Affecting (SA)
A Payload Label Mismatch VT Layer (PLM-V) alarm indicates that the content of the V5 byte in the
SONET overhead is inconsistent or invalid. PLM-V occurs when ONS nodes interoperate with
equipment that performs bit-synchronous mapping for DS-1. ONS nodes use asynchronous mapping.
Procedure: Clear the PLM-V Alarm
Step 1 Verify that your signal source matches the signal allowed by the traffic card. For example, the traffic card
does not allow VT6 or VT9 mapping.
Step 2 If the signal source matches the card, verify that the SONET VT path originator is sending the correct
VT label value. You can find the SONET VT path originator using circuit provisioning steps.
Step 3 If the alarm does not clear, log onto http://www.cisco.com/tac for more information or call TAC to report
a service-affecting problem (1-800-553-2447).
2.6.135 PRC-DUPID
• Major (MJ), Service Affecting (SA) for Ring
• Major (MJ), Non-Service Affecting (NSA) for NE
The Procedural Error Duplicate Node ID (PRC-DUPID) alarm indicates that two identical node IDs exist
in the same ring. The ONS 15327 requires each node in the ring to have a unique node ID.
Procedure: Clear the PRC-DUPID Alarm
Step 1 Log into a node on the ring.