Catalyst 6500 Series Switch Command Reference—Release 8.4
Chapter 2 Catalyst 6500 Series Switch and ROM Monitor Commands
set snmp trap
set snmp trap
To enable or disable the different SNMP traps on the system or to add an entry into the SNMP
authentication trap receiver table, use the set snmp trap command.
set snmp trap {enable | disable} [all | auth | autoshutdown | bridge | callhomesmtp | chassis |
config | entity | entityfru | envfan | envpower | envshutdown | envstate | envtemp | flashinsert
| flashremove | inlinepower {module mod} | ippermit | l2tunnel | linkerrhigh | linkerrlow |
macmove | macnotification | macthreshold | module | redundancy | stpx | syslog | system |
vlancreation | vlandeletion | vmps | vtp]
set snmp trap rcvr_addr rcvr_community [port rcvr_port] [owner rcvr_owner] [index rcvr_index]
Syntax Description enable Enables SNMP traps.
disable Disables SNMP traps.
all (Optional) Specifies all trap types and all port traps. See the “Usage Guidelines”
section before using this option.
auth (Optional) Specifies the authenticationFailure trap from RFC 1157.
autoshutdown (Optional) Specifies the automatic module shutdown traps.
bridge (Optional) Specifies the newRoot and topologyChange traps from RFC 1493 (the
callhomesmtp (Optional) Specifies the CallHome SMTP server traps.
chassis (Optional) Specifies the chassisAlarmOn and chassisAlarmOff traps from the
config (Optional) Specifies the sysConfigChange trap from the CISCO-STACK-MIB.
entity (Optional) Specifies the entityMIB trap from the ENTITY-MIB.
entityfru (Optional) Specifies the entity field replaceable unit (FRU).
envfan (Optional) Specifies the environmental fan.
envpower (Optional) Specifies the environmental power.
envshutdown (Optional) Specifies the environmental shutdown.
envstate (Optional) Specifies the environmental monitoring status change traps.
envtemp (Optional) Specifies the environmental monitoring temperature traps.
flashinsert (Optional) Specifies flash insertion.
flashremove (Optional) Specifies flash removal.
{module mod}
(Optional) Specifies the inline power traps for a specific module; valid values for
the mod argument are from 1 through 9, 15, and 16.
ippermit (Optional) Specifies the IP Permit Denied access from the CISCO-STACK-MIB.
l2tunnel (Optional) Specifies the Layer 2 protocol tunnel threshold traps.
linkerrhigh (Optional) Specifies the traps for link error monitoring when the high threshold is
linkerrlow (Optional) Specifies the traps for link error monitoring when the low threshold is
macmove (Optional) Specifies MAC address move notification traps.
macnotification (Optional) Specifies MAC address (CAM) notification traps.