Catalyst 6500 Series Switch Command Reference—Release 8.4
Chapter 2 Catalyst 6500 Series Switch and ROM Monitor Commands
set mls exclude protocol
set mls exclude protocol
To exclude an MLS protocol port on a switch configured with the Supervisor Engine 1 with Layer 3
Switching Engine WS-F6K-PFC, use the set mls exclude protocol command. To exclude protocols from
statistics gathering on switches configured with the Supervisor Engine 2 with Layer 3
Switching Engine II (PFC2), use the set mls exclude protocol command.
set mls exclude protocol {tcp | udp | both} {port_number | port_name}
Syntax Description
Defaults This command has no default settings.
Command Types Switch command.
Command Modes Privileged.
Usage Guidelines If you enter any of the set mls commands on a Catalyst 6500 series switch without MLS, this warning
message is displayed:
MLS not supported on feature card.
You can add a maximum of four protocol ports to the exclude table.
MLS exclusion is supported in full flow mode only.
If you enter x for the port name, this specifies the Layer 4 port used by the X-windows application.
Examples This example shows how to exclude TCP packets on protocol port 6017:
Console> (enable) set mls exclude protocol tcp 6017
TCP packets with protocol port 6017 will be switched by RP.
Console> (enable)
This example shows how to exclude UDP packets on protocol port 6017:
Console> (enable) set mls exclude protocol udp 6017
TCP and UDP packets with protocol port 6017 will be switched by RP.
Console> (enable)
Related Commands show mls
tcp | udp | both Specifies a TCP, UDP port, or that the port be applied to both TCP and UDP traffic.
port_number Number of the protocol port; valid values are from 1 to 65535.
port_name Name of the port; valid values are dns, ftp, smtp, telnet, x, www.