Catalyst 6500 Series Switch Command Reference—Release 8.4
Chapter 2 Catalyst 6500 Series Switch and ROM Monitor Commands
clear security acl map
clear security acl map
To remove VACL-to-VLAN mapping, use the clear security acl map command.
clear security acl map acl_name vlan
clear security acl map {acl_name | vlan | all}
Syntax Description
Defaults This command has no default settings.
Command Types Switch command.
Command Modes Privileged.
Usage Guidelines Changes you make by entering this command are saved to NVRAM; you do not need to enter the commit
Use the show security acl command to display the ACL list.
Examples This example shows how to remove a VACL-to-VLAN mapping from a specific VLAN:
Console> (enable) clear security acl map ip1 3
Map deletion in progress.
Successfully cleared mapping between ACL ip1 and VLAN 3.
Console> (enable)
This example shows how to remove a specific VACL-to-VLAN mapping from all VLANs:
Console> (enable) clear security acl map ip1
Map deletion in progress.
Successfully cleared mapping between ACL ip1 and VLAN 5.
Successfully cleared mapping between ACL ip1 and VLAN 8.
Console> (enable)
acl_name Name of the VACL on which a VLAN is to be deleted.
vlan Number of the VLAN on which a mapping is to be deleted; valid values are from
1 to 4094.
all Removes all VACL-to-VLAN mappings.