Catalyst 6500 Series Switch Command Reference—Release 8.4
Chapter 2 Catalyst 6500 Series Switch and ROM Monitor Commands
set length
set length
To configure the number of lines in the terminal display screen, use the set length command.
set length number [default]
Syntax Description
Defaults The default value is 24 lines upon starting a session.
Command Types Switch command.
Command Modes Privileged.
Usage Guidelines Output from a single command that overflows a single display screen is followed by the --More--
prompt. At the --More-- prompt, you can press Ctrl-C, q, or Q to interrupt the output and return to the
prompt, press the Spacebar to display an additional screen of output, or press Return to display one
more line of output.
Setting the screen length to 0 turns off the scrolling feature and causes the entire output to display at
once. Unless you use the default keyword, a change to the terminal length value applies only to the
current session.
When you change the value in a session, the value applies only to that session. When you use the clear
config command, the number of lines in the terminal display screen is reset to the default of 100.
The default keyword is available in privileged mode only.
Examples This example shows how to set the screen length to 60 lines:
Console> (enable) set length 60
Screen length for this session set to 60.
Console> (enable)
This example shows how to set the default screen length to 40 lines:
Console> (enable) set length 40 default
Screen length set to 40.
Console> (enable)
number Number of lines to display on the screen; valid values are from 0 to 512.
default (Optional) Sets the number of lines in the terminal display screen for the current
administration session and all other sessions.