Catalyst 6500 Series Switch Command Reference—Release 8.4
Chapter 2 Catalyst 6500 Series Switch and ROM Monitor Commands
clear security acl
clear security acl
To remove a specific access control entry (ACE) or all ACEs from a VACL and to delete the VACLs
from the edit buffer, use the clear security acl command.
clear security acl all
clear security acl acl_name
clear security acl capture-ports {all | mod/ports}
clear security acl log flow
clear security acl acl_name [editbuffer_index]
clear security acl adjacency adjacency_name
clear security acl map {acl_name [vlan] | vlan | all}
clear security acl arp-inspection statistics [acl_name]
Syntax Description
Defaults This command has no default settings.
Command Types Switch command.
Command Modes Privileged.
all Removes ACEs for all the VACLs.
acl_name Name of the VACL whose ACEs are to be removed.
capture-ports Removes ports from the capture list.
all Removes all ports from the capture list.
mod/ports Variable to remove specific port from the capture list; mod/num is the number of
the module and the port on the module.
log flow Removes logging table flow entries.
editbuffer_index (Optional) Index number of the ACE in the VACL.
adjacency Removes an adjacency ACE.
adjacency_name Name of the adjacency ACE.
map Clears security ACL to a VLAN mapping.
vlan Variable to clear ACL mappings for a specific VLAN.
all Clears all ACL VLAN mappings.
Clears ARP inspection statistics.