Chapter 2 Catalyst 6500 Series Switch and ROM Monitor Commands
Catalyst 6500 Series Switch Command Reference—Release 8.4
To dump a stack trace of frames, use the stack command.
stack [-d | -m] [num]
Syntax Description
Defaults The default for num is five frames.
Command Types ROM monitor command.
Command Modes Normal.
Usage Guidelines The frames are dumped from the kernel stack and the process stack (if one is available) of a booted
image. Use the frame command to display an individual stack frame.
The minus sign (-) is required with the -d and -m options.
Examples This example shows how to use the stack command to dump a stack trace of eight frames:
rommon 5 > stack 8
Kernel Level Stack Trace:
Initial SP = 0x60276a98, Initial PC = 0x60033054, RA = 0x6006d380
Frame 0 : FP= 0x60276a98, PC= 0x60033054, 0 bytes
Frame 1 : FP= 0x60276a98, PC= 0x6006d380, 24 bytes
Frame 2 : FP= 0x60276ab0, PC= 0x600e5218, 40 bytes
Frame 3 : FP= 0x60276ad8, PC= 0x600dcd48, 32 bytes
Frame 4 : FP= 0x60276af8, PC= 0x60033fdc, 0 bytes
Process Level Stack Trace:
Initial SP = 0x80007ce8, Initial PC = 0x600dfd38, RA = 0x600dfd20
Frame 0 : FP= 0x80007ce8, PC= 0x600dfd38, 24 bytes
Frame 1 : FP= 0x80007d00, PC= 0x6005b260, 32 bytes
Frame 2 : FP= 0x80007d20, PC= 0x6005c05c, 192 bytes
Frame 3 : FP= 0x80007de0, PC= 0x6005b54c, 24 bytes
Frame 4 : FP= 0x80007df8, PC= 0x600e82e0, 56 bytes
Frame 5 : FP= 0x80007e30, PC= 0x600e9484, 40 bytes
Frame 6 : FP= 0x80007e58, PC= 0x600e8b28, 24 bytes
Frame 7 : FP= 0x80007e70, PC= 0x600de224, 72 bytes
Related Commands frame
-d (Optional) Dumps the ROM monitor stack.
-m (Optional) Specifies addresses to dump.
num (Optional) Number of frames.