Catalyst 6500 Series Switch Command Reference—Release 8.4
Chapter 2 Catalyst 6500 Series Switch and ROM Monitor Commands
set cam
set cam
To add entries into the CAM table, set the aging time for the CAM table, and configure traffic filtering
from and to a specific host, use the set cam command.
set cam {dynamic | static | permanent} {unicast_mac | route_descr} mod/port [vlan]
set cam {static | permanent} {multicast_mac} mod/ports.. [vlan]
set cam {static | permanent} filter {unicast_mac} vlan
set cam agingtime vlan agingtime
Syntax Description
Defaults The default configuration has a local MAC address, spanning tree address (01-80-c2-00-00-00), and
CDP multicast address for destination port 1/3 (the supervisor engine). The default aging time for all
configured VLANs is 300 seconds.
The vlan variable is required when you configure the traffic filter entry.
Setting the aging time to 0 disables aging.
Command Types Switch command.
Command Modes Privileged.
dynamic Specifies entries are subject to aging.
static Specifies entries are not subject to aging.
permanent Specifies permanent entries are stored in NVRAM until they are removed by the
clear cam or clear config command.
unicast_mac MAC address of the destination host used for a unicast.
route_descr Route descriptor of the “next hop” relative to this switch; valid values are from 0 to
mod/port Number of the module and the port on the module.
vlan (Optional) Number of the VLAN; valid values are from 1 to 4094.
multicast_mac MAC address of the destination host used for a multicast.
mod/ports.. Number of the module and the ports on the module.
filter Specifies a traffic filter entry.
agingtime Sets the period of time after which an entry is removed from the table.
agingtime Number of seconds (0 to 1,000,000) dynamic entries remain in the table before
being deleted.