Catalyst 6500 Series Switch Command Reference—Release 8.4
Chapter 2 Catalyst 6500 Series Switch and ROM Monitor Commands
set lda
set lda
To configure the ASLB information on the Catalyst 6500 series switch, use the set lda command.
set lda enable | disable
set lda vip {server_virtual_ip} {destination_tcp_port} [{server_virtual_ip}
{destination_tcp_port}] ...
set lda mac ld {ld_mac_address}
set lda mac router {mac_address}...
set lda router {router_vlan} {ld_mod/port} [backup_ld_mod/port]
set lda server {server_vlan} {ld_mod/port} [backup_ld_mod/port]
set lda udpage {udpagetime}
Syntax Description
Defaults The default is the ASLB is disabled.
Command Types Switch command.
Command Modes Privileged.
enable | disable Enables or disables the ASLB feature.
vip server_virtual_ip
Specifies the virtual IP address of the server and the number of the
destination TCP port that will be accelerated by the switch (up to 1024).
mac ld ld_mac_address Specifies the LD MAC address.
mac router
Specifies the router MAC address.
router router_vlan Specifies the router VLAN.
ld_mod/port Module and port number of the port connected to the LD on the VLAN.
backup_ld_mod/port (Optional) Module and port number of the port connected to the
backup LD.
server server_vlan Specifies the server VLAN.
udpage udpagetime Specifies the UDP aging time for LocalDirector acceleration.