Cisco ONS 15310-MA SDH Reference Manual, Release 9.1 and Release 9.2
Appendix C Network Element Defaults
Cisco ONS 15310-MA SDH Node Default Settings
C.4 Cisco ONS 15310-MA SDH Node Default Settings
Table C-7 on page C-31 lists the node-level default settings for the Cisco ONS 15310-MA SDH. Cisco
provides the following types of node-level user-configurable defaults:
• Circuit settings—Set the administrative state and Linear Multiplex Section Protection circuit
• General settings—Set general node management defaults, including whether to use DST, whether
to insert AIS-LO in each VC low-order path when the carrying VC high-order path crosses the SD
path BER threshold, the IP address of the NTP/SNTP server to be used, the time zone where the
node is located, the SD path BER value, the defaults description, whether to raise a condition on an
empty card slot, whether automatic autonomous TL1 reporting of PM data is enabled for
cross-connect paths on the node, whether or not to allow ports to be disabled when they are
providing services (when the default is set to FALSE users must remove or disable the services first,
then put the ports out of service), and whether to report loopback conditions on ports with an locked,
maintenance service state.
• Network settings—Set whether to prevent the display of node IP addresses in CTC (applicable for
all users except Superusers), default gateway node type, and whether to raise an alarm when the
backplane LAN cable is disconnected.
• OSI settings—Set the OSI main setup, GRE tunnel, LAP-D, the router subnet, and the TARP
Table C-6 Ethernet Card Default Settings
Default Name Default Value Default Domain
CE-100T-8.config.AINSSoakTime 08:00
00:00; 00:15; 00:30 .. 48:00
CE-100T-8.config.State locked; disabled unlocked; locked; disabled; locked; maintenance;
unlocked; automaticInService
CE-100T-8.etherPortConfig.802-1Q-VlanCoS 7 (count) 0 - 7
CE-100T-8.etherPortConfig.IP-ToS 255 (count) 0 - 255
CE-100T-8.etherPortConfig.liTimer 200 (ms) 200 - 5000
CE-MR.config.AINSSoakTime 08:00
00:00; 00:15; 00:30 .. 48:00
CE-MR.config.State locked; disabled unlocked; locked; disabled; locked; maintenance;
unlocked; automaticInService
CE-MR.etherPortConfig.802-1Q-VlanCoS 7 (count) 0 - 7
CE-MR.etherPortConfig.IP-ToS 255 (count) 0 - 255
CE-MR.etherPortConfig.liTimer 200 (ms) 200 - 5000
ML100T.config.PreServiceAlarmSuppression FALSE TRUE, FALSE
ML100T.config.SoakTime 08:00 (hours:mins) 00:00, 00:15, 00:30 .. 48:00
ML100T.ios.consolePortAccess TRUE TRUE, FALSE
ML100T.ios.radiusServerAccess FALSE TRUE, FALSE