Cisco ONS 15310-MA SDH Reference Manual, Release 9.1 and Release 9.2
Chapter 5 Security
User Privileges and Policies
Table 5-2 shows the actions that each user privilege level can perform in network view.
OSI IS-IS RIB: Refresh X X X X
ES-IS RIB: Refresh X X X X
TDC: TID to NSAP/Flush
Dynamic Entries
TDC: Refresh X X X X
Protection Switch/Lock out/
Lock-on/Clear/ Unlock
Software Download — X X X
Activate/Revert — — — X
Cross-Connect Resource Usage: Delete — — X X
Resource Usage: Refresh X X X X
Alarm Extenders External Alarms: View X X X X
External Controls: View X X X X
Virtual Wires: View/Retrieve X X X X
Overhead Termination: View X X X X
Diagnostic Retrieve Tech Support Log
Node Diagnostic Logs
(Release 9.2)
—— X
Lamp Test —XXX
Timing Source: Edit — X X X
Report: View/Refresh X X X X
Audit Retrieve ———X
Archive — — X X
Test Access View X X X X
1. Provisioner user cannot change node name, contact, location, or Virtual Tributary alarm indication signal (AIS-V) insertion on VC3 signal degrade (SD)
2. Provisioner user cannot perform this task in secure mode.
3. The action buttons in the subtab are active for all users, but the actions can be completely performed only by the users with the required security levels.
Table 5-1 ONS 15310-MA SDH Security Levels—Node View (continued)
CTC Tab Subtab [Subtab]: Actions Retrieve Maintenance Provisioning Superuser
Table 5-2 ONS 15310-MA SDH Security Levels—Network View
CTC Tab Subtab [Subtab]: Actions Retrieve Maintenance Provisioning Superuser
Alarms — Synchronize/Filter/Delete
cleared alarms
Conditions — Retrieve/Filter X X X X
History— Filter XXXX