Cisco ONS 15310-MA SDH Reference Manual, Release 9.1 and Release 9.2
Chapter 11 Performance Monitoring
Performance Monitoring Parameter Definitions
HP-EB High-Order Path Errored Block (HP-EB) indicates that one or more bits are
in error within a block.
HP-ES High-Order Path Errored Second (HP-ES) is a one-second period with one
or more errored blocks or at least one defect.
HP-ESR High-Order Path Errored Second Ratio (HP-ESR) is the ratio of errored
seconds to total seconds in available time during a fixed measurement
HP-NPJC-Pdet High-Order, Negative Pointer Justification Count, Path Detected
(HP-NPJC-Pdet) is a count of the negative pointer justifications detected
on a particular path on an incoming SDH signal.
HP-NPJC-Pdet High-Order Path Negative Pointer Justification Count, Path Detected
(HP-NPJC-Pdet) is a count of the negative pointer justifications detected
on a particular path on an incoming SDH signal.
HP-NPJC-Pgen High-Order, Negative Pointer Justification Count, Path Generated
(HP-NPJC-Pgen) is a count of the negative pointer justifications generated
for a particular path.
HP-PJCDiff High-Order Path Pointer Justification Count Difference (HP-PJCDiff) is
the absolute value of the difference between the total number of detected
pointer justification counts and the total number of generated pointer
justification counts. That is, HP-PJCDiff is equal to
HP-PJCS-Pdet High-Order Path Pointer Justification Count Seconds (HP-PJCS-PDet) is a
count of the one-second intervals containing one or more HP-PPJC-PDet
or HP-NPJC-PDet.
HP-PJCS-Pgen High-Order Path Pointer Justification Count Seconds (HP-PJCS-PGen) is
a count of the one-second intervals containing one or more HP-PPJC-PGen
or HP-NPJC-PGen.
HP-PPJC-Pdet High-Order, Positive Pointer Justification Count, Path Detected
(HP-PPJC-Pdet) is a count of the positive pointer justifications detected on
a particular path on an incoming SDH signal.
HP-PPJC-Pgen High-Order, Positive Pointer Justification Count, Path Generated
(HP-PPJC-Pgen) is a count of the positive pointer justifications generated
for a particular path.
HP-SES High-Order Path Severely Errored Seconds (HP-SES) is a one-second
period containing 30 percent or more errored blocks or at least one defect.
SES is a subset of ES.
HP-SESR High-Order Path Severely Errored Second Ratio (HP-SESR) is the ratio of
SES to total seconds in available time during a fixed measurement interval.
HP-UAS High-Order Path Unavailable Seconds (HP-UAS) is a count of the seconds
when the VC path was unavailable. A high-order path becomes unavailable
when ten consecutive seconds occur that qualify as HP-SESs, and it
continues to be unavailable until ten consecutive seconds occur that do not
qualify as HP-SESs.
Table 11-2 Performance Monitoring Parameters (continued)
Parameter Definition