Cisco ONS 15310-MA SDH Reference Manual, Release 9.1 and Release 9.2
Appendix B Administrative and Service States
Administrative States
B.2 Administrative States
Administrative states are used to manage service states. Administrative states consist of a Administrative
State and an SST. Table B-3 lists the administrative states supported by the ONS 15310-MA SDH. See
Table B-2 on page B-2 for SST definitions.
Note A change in the administrative state of an entity does not change the service state of supporting or
supported entities.
Table B-2 ONS 15310-MA SDH Secondary States
Secondary State Definition
Automatic In
(Automatic In-Service) The entity is delayed before transitioning to the
unlocked-enabled service state. The transition to unlocked-enabled depends on
correction of conditions, or on a soak timer. Alarm reporting is suppressed, but
traffic is carried. Raised fault conditions, whether or not their alarms are reported,
can be retrieved on the CTC Conditions tab or by using the TL1 RTRV-COND
disabled (Disabled) The entity was manually removed from service and does not provide
its provisioned functions. All services are disrupted; the entity is unable to carry
FLT (Fault) The entity has a raised alarm or condition.
loopback (Loopback) The entity is in loopback mode.
(Mismatched Equipment) An improper card is installed. For example, an installed
card is not compatible with the card preprovisioning or the slot. This SST applies
only to cards.
maintenance (Maintenance) The entity has been manually removed from service for a
maintenance activity but still performs its provisioned functions. Alarm reporting
is suppressed, but traffic is carried. Raised fault conditions, whether or not their
alarms are reported, can be retrieved on the CTC Conditions tab or by using the
TL1 RTRV-COND command.
outOfGroup (Out of Group) The virtual concatenated (VCAT) member cross-connect is not
used to carry VCAT group traffic. This state is used to put a member circuit out
of the group and to stop sending traffic. locked-enabled,outOfGroup only applies
to the cross-connects on an end node where VCAT resides. The cross-connects on
intermediate nodes are in the locked-enabled,maintenance service state.
softwareDownload (Software Download) The card is involved in a software and database download.
This SST applies only to cards.
unassigned (Unassigned) The card is not provisioned in the database. This SST applies only
to cards.
notInstalled (Unequipped) The card is not physically present (that is, an empty slot). This SST
applies only to cards.