Cisco ONS 15310-MA SDH Reference Manual, Release 9.1 and Release 9.2
Chapter 4 Cisco Transport Controller Operation
CTC Window
4.6.3 Card View
Card view provides information about individual ONS 15310-MA SDH cards. Use this view to perform
card-specific maintenance and provisioning (Figure 4-6). A graphic showing the ports on the card
appears in the graphic area. The status area provides the node name, slot, number of alarms, card type,
equipment type, and either the card status (active or standby), card service state if the card is present, or
port service state (Table 4-4 on page 4-9). The information that appears and the actions you can perform
depend on the card.
Figure 4-6 CTC Card View of an E1_21_E3_DS3_3 Card
Table 4-10 shows the tabs and subtabs available in card view. The subtabs, fields, and information shown
under each tab depend on the card type selected.
Card identification and status
Table 4-10 Card View Tabs and Subtabs
Tab Description Subtabs
Alarms Lists current alarms (CR, MJ,
MN) for the card and updates
them in real-time.
Conditions Displays a list of standing
conditions on the card.
History Provides a history of card alarms
including date, object, port, and
severity of each alarm.
Session (displays alarms and events for the current
session), Card (displays alarms and events retrieved
from a fixed-size log on the card)