42 LonTalk Communication Interface • ACC-SVN100A-EN
Network Variable and Configuration Property Definitions
Purge information—circuit 1, UNVT_purge_information
This variable is used to relay state information about the purge system on circuit 1 of the
chiller. Refrigeration Circuit On indicates that the Purge condensing unit is operating its
refrigerant circuit and is attempting to extract non-condensable gasses from the chiller
refrigerant. Pumping Out indicates that the purge unit is attempting to rid itself of
collected non-condensable gasses. Regenerating indicates that the purge carbon bed is
going through a regeneration cycle. The Purge 24 Hour Pumpout Average is the amount
of pump-out time over the last sliding 24-hour window.
Purge information–circuit 2, UNVT_purge_information
This variable is used to relay state information about the purge system on circuit 2 of the
chiller. Refrigeration Circuit On indicates that the Purge condensing unit is operating its
refrigerant circuit and is attempting to extract non-condensable gasses from the chiller
refrigerant. Pumping Out indicates that the purge unit is attempting to rid itself of
collected non-condensable gasses. Regenerating indicates that the purge carbon bed is
going through a regeneration cycle. The Purge 24 Hour Pumpout Average is the amount
of pumpout time over the last sliding 24 hour window.
Structure definition
Field in
Byte Bit definitions Description
purge status
Byte 0 (MSB) Bits 0–7 (MSB) Validity of bits 8–15 (1
= Valid)
Bit 8 Refrigeration Circuit
On (1)
Bit 9 Pumping Out (1)
Bit 10 Regenerating (1)
Bits 11–15 (LSB) Not used
SNVT_time_f Byte 1–2 (LSB) Purge 24 Hour
Pumpout Average
Structure definition
Field in
Byte Bit definitions Description
Purge Status
Byte 0 (MSB) Bits 0–7 (MSB) Validity of bits 8–15 (1
= Valid)
Bit 8 Refrigeration Circuit
On (1)
Bit 9 Pumping Out (1)
Bit 10 Regenerating (1)
Bits 11-15 (LSB) Not Used
SNVT_time_f Byte 1–2 (LSB) Purge 24 Hour
Pumpout Average