ACC-SVN100A-EN • LonTalk Communication Interface 33
Network Variable and Configuration Property Definitions
This variable is used to relay information about which condenser fans (or banks of fans)
on the chiller are currently being commanded to run.
Condenser refrigerant pressure—circuit 1, SNVT_press_f
This network variable provides the pressure of the refrigerant in the condenser on
circuit 1. This refrigerant pressure is sometimes referred to as the condenser discharge
• Default: NaN
• Invalid value: NaN
Condenser refrigerant pressure—circuit 2, SNVT_press_f
This network variable provides the pressure of the refrigerant in the condenser on
circuit 2. This refrigerant pressure is sometimes referred to as the condenser discharge
• Default: NaN
• Invalid value: NaN
Condenser refrigerant pressure—circuit 3, SNVT_press_f
Structure definition
Bit position Description
Bit 0 Condenser fan(s) A exists (1=Yes)
Bit 1 Condenser fan(s) B exists (1=Yes)
Bit 2 Condenser fan(s) C exists (1=Yes)
Bit 3 Condenser fan(s) D exists (1=Yes)
Bit 4 Condenser fan(s) E exists (1=Yes)
Bit 5 Condenser fan(s) F exists (1=Yes)
Bit 6 Condenser fan(s) E exists (1=Yes)
Bit 7 Condenser fan(s) H exists (1=Yes)
Bit 8 Condenser fan(s) A On (1=On)
Bit 9 Condenser fan(s) B On (1=On)
Bit 10 Condenser fan(s) C On (1=On)
Bit 11 Condenser fan(s) D On (1=On)
Bit 12 Condenser fan(s) E On (1=On)
Bit 13 Condenser fan(s) F On (1=On)
Bit 14 Condenser fan(s) G On (1=On)
Bit 15 (LSB) Condenser fan(s) H On (1=On)