Handling Precautions
Cleaning the magazine
Clean the magazine with a soft dry cloth. If it becomes
dirty, wipe th w dirt away gently with a damp, soft cloth
soaked in a solution of water with a few drops of mild
detergent. If there is any moisture on the unit after
cleaning, dry it off with a soft, dry cloth. Let the
magazine cartridge air dry thoroughly before inserting
discs or placing it in the unit.
Cleaning the unit
To clean the panel and the cover, use a soft, dry cloth to
wipe off dust and dirt. If the cabinet is heavily soiled,
wipe off the dirt using a soft cloth soaked in a neutral
detergent diluted 5 to 6 times. Then wipe the water off
with a dry cloth. Do not use benzine, thinner, insecticide
or similar volatile chemicals, as they may dissolve or
discolor the cabinet surface. If you use a chemical
polishing cloth, carefully read the instructions supplied
with it before applying to the cabinet.
Trademarked names appear throughout this manual.
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mention of the trademarked name, the publisher states
that it is using the names only for editorial purposes and
to the benefit of the trademark owner with no intention
of infringing upon that trademark.
Copyright © 1998/99 by Pioneer Electronic Corporation.
All rights reserved. This document contains proprietary
information which is protected by copyright. Under the
copyright laws, this manual may not be copied in whole
or in part, in any media format, without written
permission from Pioneer Electronic Corporation except
for normal use by the original buyer(s). This exception
does not allow copies to be made for sale to others.
Under the law, copying includes translating into another
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The information in this document is subject to change
without notice. Pioneer Electronic Corporation makes
no warranty of any kind with regard to this material.
While every precaution has been taken in the preparation
of this manual, Pioneer Electronic Corporation assumes
no responsibility for errors or omissions. Neither is any
liability assumed for damages resulting from the use of
the information contained herein.
Checking the Accessories
6-disc magazines x 2
Power cable (for U.S. and Canada) x 1
The accessory power cable is for use in North America.
In other regions, please consult your dealer for information
regarding purchase of an alternate power cable.
“Use Only Safety Licensed Power Supply Cord”
SCSI connector cover x 1
Power button cover x 1
A cover used to prevent
inadvertent power off.
See page 8 for instructions
on use.
Operating instructions x 1
÷ CD lens cleaner
The unit’s pickup lens should not become dirty in
normal use. If it should malfunction due to soiling, check
with the nearest PIONEER authorized service center.
Lens cleaners for CD players are commercially
available, however, use caution as some products
may cause damage to the lens.
Cover for SCSI terminal
Internal network board serial number label x 1
This label relates to the internal network board.
The Serial Number information is needed to complete the
product installation.
After installing the product, write the IP Address in the space
provided and attach this label to the cover for future reference.