Accessing the Network Cache Changer Resources
Windows 95/98 and Windows NT 4.x
In Windows 95/98 and Windows NT 4.x on an SMB
client, follow these steps to map the DRM-6NX:
1.Start the Windows Explorer
2.Expand the Network Neighborhood icon
3.Expand the Entire Network icon (The DRM-6NX
lists in the first folder if it is sorted by name.
If the Domain Name is already set, the changer
appears in the specified folder)
If you cannot find the DRM-6NX under Entire Network, refer to
“Alternative Method” listed on the right
4.Double click the entry for your new DRM-6NX (The
default name is PIONEER<nnnnnn> where
<nnnnnn> is the last six digits of the DRM-6NX
serial number)
5.To map one of the DRM-6NX resources, locate:
÷Root for root level access
÷Volumes for access to all the discs
÷The volume name for access to an individual disc
6.Right click the resource and select Map Network
7.Select a drive letter for your DRM-6NX
8.Check Reconnect at logon if you wish to use the
resource under the same drive letter the next time
you start your computer
9.Click OK (The DRM-6NX is ready for use)
Alternative Method
If you are unable to find the DRM-6NX, follow these steps:
1.Start the Windows Explorer from the Start menu
2.From the Tools menu, select Map Network Drive...
3.Select a drive letter
4.In the path box, type
is the last six digits of the DRM-6NX
changer's serial number)
5.Check Reconnect at logon if you wish to use the
resource under the same drive letter the next time
you start your computer
6.Click OK (The DRM-6NX is ready for use)
To map the DRM-6NX in Windows 95/98-Windows NT
on a NetWare client, follow these steps:
1.Start the Windows Explorer
2.Expand the Network Neighborhood icon
Aailable resources are displayed:
3.Expand the Entire Network icon and then open the
NetWare Servers folder