Parameter name Value Description
HardwareAddress =00:40:8c:11:00:86 The DRM-6NX hardware address - Default is the
serial number
- you may set
a Locally Administrated Address. The value shown is an example only.
Date =97-01-01 yy-mm-dd, enter the date followed by ! to set manually
Time =12:00:00 hh:mm:ss, enter the time followed by ! to set manually
FactoryDefaults =no Set to
to restore factory default settings.
Restart =no Set to
to restart the DRM-6NX.
TimeZone =UTC Must be set to the time zone that the DRM-6NX is operating in. Refer to
TimeZone Parameter Values
” on page 42.
TimeSyncSource =NDS Specifies the time source for the DRM-6NX. Set to
for the NetWare
network. Set to
for UNIX and SMB over TCP/IP.
ServerPassword =pass The Supervisor, Administrator or Root user password used for basically all
protocols; i.e. HTTP, NetWare bindery, SMB user level, SNMP and FTP. Once
written into the configuration file, the password will not be shown but replaced
with *’s, representing each letter of the password.
Cache =mirror Specifies the caching level: none, normal, mirror, persistent
Flush Cache =no Set to
to remove all information from the hard disk.
SCSITermination =on Always on.
JukeBoxLockTime =0 Specifies the maximum duration for a data read operation during multiple
access requests to prevent disc changer fluttering. Default is
which disables the function.
DisconnectReselect =on Set to
to disable the disconnect/reselect function in the disc drives.
BusMode =Asynchronous Specifies the transfer mode on the SCSI bus:
InternetAddress = The DRM-6NX IP address.
DefaultRouter = The IP address for the default router. All traffic directed outside the local
network (according to the NetMask) is sent to the default router. Any re-
routing via other routers is done automatically. The default
that no default router is set.
NetMask = Used to determine when the traffic should be sent via a router. For example,
the normal class C mask is The default
indicates that
automatic router sensing is used.
BOOTPEnable =yes Enables BOOTP IP address setup.
RARPEnable =yes Enables RARP IP address setup.
DHCPEnable =yes Enables DHCP IP address setup.
DomainName = Name of the domain to which the DRM-6NX belongs.
PrimaryDNS = The IP address of the primary DNS server. Used for identifying computers
with names instead of IP addresses.
SecondaryDNS = The IP address of the secondary DNS server, should the primary DNS server
be unavailable or disconnected.
NTPServer Name or IP address for the NTP server.
EnableWINS =no Enables WINS over NetBIOS/TCP/IP.
PrimaryWINSserver = The IP address of the primary WINS server.
SecondaryWINSserver = The IP address of the secondary WINS server, if required.
Appendix A : Parameter List
This section includes the DRM-6NX parameter list. It
also explains the DRM-6NX directory structure and how
to edit the configuration settings.
The Configuration File
The table shows the parameter list stored in the config.ini
file. The middle column states the default values, where
applicable. The right-hand column gives a brief
description of the parameters.