Hard Disk Caching
2.The table lists:
÷ inserted discs
÷ persistent discs that are currently not inserted
Click to eject a disc (Available only if the disc is
currently inserted in the drive)
Check the box to lock a drive (available only if the disc
is currently inserted in the drive)
Only an Administrator can eject a magazine by using a
Web Browser and may over-ride a locked eject button
Click to cache a copy of a disc to the attached hard
drive (available only if the disc has not already been
cached). The symbol appears when a disc has been
cached on the hard disk drive.
Check the box to make a cached disc persistent, (i.e.
make it accessible to users when the original discs have
been ejected from the drives).
To manage the hard disk caching, follow these steps:
1.Click Discs & Drives. This screen appears:
Click to set the properties and access rights
To affect all the drives, you can perform operations in the yellow
row marked ALL. However, properties and access rights may only
be set for one drive or disc at a time.
You can click the Location or Name link to sort the items in the
list by drive or volume name, respectively. The location is indicated
as <bus>-<SCSI ID>-<LUN>. For example, location A-1-0 means
bus A, SCSI ID 1 and LUN 0.
If the hard disc is full and you want to cache another disc, first free
some space on the hard disk. The DRM-6NX will not overwrite
any information until you either:
Re-insert a persistent disc that has been ejected, or
Click once again to “uncache” a cached copy
If the system returns a write error on the hard drive during caching,
re-format the drive in a low-level format. Select the Hard Disk
option on the This Server page to find Format
When multiple external DRM-6324Xs or other Pioneer’s 6-Discs
Changers are connected, you must not insert multiple magazines at
the same time. Please insert another magazine after caching
has finished
When duplicate discs are loaded, only the disc found first is
available (other discs are not used)
If a cached volume has a large quantity of files, it takes a few minutes
to delete the volume. Sometimes the caching function fails to start
automatically while deleting the volume.
When volume caching is executed manually (using a mirror button),
the persistent check box is not marked automatically.