Appendix E: Glossary
AIX Advanced Interactive eXecutive; A version of the UNIX operating system from
IBM that runs on various IBM computers including Mainframe systems
ARP Address Resolution Protocol; A protocol within TCP/IP networks that allows a
host to find the physical address of a node on the same network
BOOTP Boot Protocol; A TCP/IP protocol which allows an Internet node to discover certain
startup information such as its Internet address
BSD Berkeley Software Distribution; University of California, Berkeley additions to the
UNIX operating system
DHCP Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol; A system based on network interface card
addresses for allocating Internet addresses and other configuration information for
networked systems
DNS Domain Name Service; Reflects the server names and addresses within a network
DSS Domain SAP/RIP Services; Provides a source of SAP/RIP information in a NetWare
DVD Digital Versatile Disk; An optical disk that store up to 16 times more information than
a standard CD-ROM disk (developed for video, multimedia, etc.)
FAT File Allocation Table; A file system originally invented for the DOS Operating System
FTP File Transfer Protocol; The TCP/IP protocol used for logging in to a network and
transferring files
HTML Hypertext Markup Language; A standard hypertext language used for creating World
Wide Web pages and other hypertext documents
HTTP Hypertext Transfer Protocol; The TCP/IP protocol for Web based communication
IP Internet Protocol; The TCP/IP session-layer protocol that regulates packet forwarding
by tracking Internet addresses, routing outgoing messages and recognizing incoming
LED Light Emitting Diode; A small light acting as an indicator for status or activity
MIB Management Information Base; A database of network configuration information
used by SNMP and CMIP to monitor or change network settings
NCP NetWare Core Protocol; Method for Network clients to request services of servers
and for the servers to provide services, such as file and print services
NDS NetWare Directory Services; Manages network resources such as NetWare servers
and volumes
NIS Network Information Services; The security and file-access databases on UNIX
systems, previously known as the 'Yellow Pages'
NTP Network Time Protocol; Used by Internet time servers and their peers to synchronize
clocks as well as automatically organize and maintain the time synchronization
of the subnet