Accessing the Network Cache Changer Resources
Windows NT 3.x
For Windows NT 3.x on an SMB client, follow these
1.Start the File Manager
From the Disk menu, select Connect Network Drive…
3.Double click the entry for the DRM-6NX from the
listing (The default name is PIONEER<nnnnnn>
where <nnnnnn> is the six last digits of the DRM-
6NX serial number)
4.To connect a DRM-6NX resource, select:
÷Root for root level access
÷Volumes for access to all the discs
÷The volume name for access to an individual disc
5.Select a drive letter for your DRM-6NX
6.Check Reconnect at Logon if you wish to use the
resource under the same drive letter the next time
you start your computer
7.If you wish to connect using a different user name,
enter the name in the Connect As box (otherwise,
leave the Connect As box empty)
8.Click OK (The DRM-6NX is now ready for use)
IBM Peer for OS/2
Verify that the IBM Peer for OS/2 installed. If it is not,
see the instructions in “
Alternative Method
” on page
1.Double click the OS/2 Peer icon. The Peer window is
2.Double click the Sharing and Connecting icon to
open the window shown below:
Any active connections you have will be listed in the
3.From the Connection menu, select Create. The
dialog shown below is displayed:
4.In the Workstation field, type
, where
is the last six digits of the DRM-6NX
serial number)
5.In the Share/alias field enter the DRM-6NX resource:
÷For root level access, type
÷For Volumes folder access, type
÷For disc access, type the volume name, (e.g.