
Appendix A : Parameter List
Parameter name Value Description
EnableNetBEUI =yes Enables SMB over NetBIOS/NetBEUI.
EnableNBT =yes Enables SMB over NetBIOS/TCP/IP.
NBTscopeID = Defines the NetBIOS scope to which the DRM-6NX belongs.
Domain/GroupName = Name of the DRM-6NX workgroup in SMB. If not specified, the DRM-6NX
will appear in the folder that comes first in alphabetical order.
ServerName =PIONEERnnnnnn The server name in the SMB environment. Default is
are the last six digits of the serial number.
NetBEUIFrameType =auto If set to auto, 802.2 or dix will automatically be selected by scanning the
network. If required, the frame type can also be set to either
SecurityMode =shareLevel Specifies the security mode used in SMB:
AuthenticationDomain = Name of the domain to which the controller used for authenticating users in user-
level security mode belongs. If left empty.
NFSEnable =yes Enables NFS.
DefaultUid =-2 Default user id to be used when authenticating PCNFSD clients. Disable by
setting the parameter to
PCNFSDAuthentServer = The IP address of the server used for authentication of PC users on the UNIX
(NFS) network. The default
disables the function.
HTTPEnable =yes Enables HTTP. Set to
to restrict users from accessing the CD-ROMs from
a Web browser.
BaseURL =www.pioneer.co.jp/english |
EnableMediaAccess =yes Enables access to the inserted discs. When set to
, only administration is
available from HTTP.
ExternalLink = Specifies the URL to a customized link, e.g. to your company’s web site. The
link will be available from the DRM-6NX web interface.
ExternalImage = Specifies the URL to the image that will indicate the customized external link.
GetCommunityName =public Specifies the community that has read only access to all supported SNMP
objects except writeCommunity, SupervisorPassword and ftpPassword. It
corresponds to the readCommunity SNMP object.
TrapDestination = Specifies the IP address which SNMP traps are sent to. It corresponds to the
trapAddress SNMP object. Default is
, i.e. all SNMP traps are disabled.
TrapCommunityName =public Specifies the community for all generated SNMP traps. It corresponds to the
trapCommunity SNMP object.
SystemContact = Optional entry which should be in plain text and may be used to show the
name of the system contact person.
SystemName = Optional entry which should be in plain text and may be used to show the
name of the location of the system.
SystemLocation = Optional entry which should be in plain text and may be used to show the
name of the location of the system.
AuthenticationTrap =disabled Disables the SNMP authentication failure traps. It corresponds to the
snmpenableAuthenTraps (MIB-II) SNMP object.
NWEnable =yes Enables NetWare support.
Frame_802.2 =auto Enables the 802.2 frame type.
Frame_802.3 =auto Enables the 802.3 frame type (Ethernet versions only).
Frame_EthernetII =auto Enables the Ethernet II frame type (Ethernet versions only).
Frame_SNAP =auto Enables the SNAP frame type.
NetWareIP_Enable =no Enables NetWare over the IP protocol.
NetWareIP_DSS_Server = The IP address of the DSS server.
ServerName =PIONEERnnnnnn_NW NetWare server name to be presented to the NetWare clients. Default is
_NW where
are the last six digits of the serial
InternalNetAddress =nn-nn-nn-nn Internal network address. Default is
are the
last eight digits of the serial number.
BurstMode =on Burst mode enable.
ShowAllVolumes =yes Shows all drives and discs also at SYS level.
BinderyEnable =yes Enables bindery mode login. When using NDS, set to
in order to increase
system security. The Supervisor can always login in bindery mode even if this
parameter is set to