This section outlines the required configuration settings
for running the DRM-6NX in the UNIX (NFS) environment
and how to set up access restrictions.
Make sure you have set the Internet address as described in
“Assigning an Internet Address” on page 14.
If you are using the DRM-6NX in a multiprotocol
environment, proceed to the other relevant sctions of
the manual, namely:
÷pp. 18 – 19 - Microsoft & IBM Networks (SMB)
÷pp. 20 – 24 - NetWare (NCP)
÷pp. 27 – 28 - Web browser (HTTP)
It is recommended that you disable all protocols that you do not
intend to use.
Online help is available for all parameters.
The parameter list is described in detail in “Appendix A - Parameter
List” on page 40.
Network Settings
Use the Administration pages within the PIONEER
Network Cache Changer DRM-6NX web interface to
configure the DRM-6NX. Refer to “
Accessing the DRM-
6NX Web Pages
” on page 16.
The UNIX(NFS) setting does not appeared on Wizard
(change UNIX(NFS) settings through Detailed View)
1.Click Network Settings
2.Click Detailed View
3.Change and verify the settings
4.Click OK or Cancel upon completion