76 Chapter 9— The Browser | Browser View Selector
Thumbnail List
The thumbnail list places important information about each image in a column and enables you to sort by
each of the columns.
In thumbnail list view, the thumbnail size selector offers a choice of three thumbnail sizes.
The available columns in the thumbnail list are:
❏ Label
The Label column displays the label for each image.
❏ Name
The Name column displays the image's file name and extension. To rename a file, click once on the file
name to highlight it and then click a second time to change the file name.
To rename more than one file, select multiple files in the browser, right-click (Windows) or control-click
(Macintosh) and in the displayed contextual menu, select Rename. This will call up the “File Naming”
dialog and enable you to change the names of more than one file. For more information on the “File
Naming” dialog, please see “File Naming Dialog” section of Chapter 22, “Batch Menu”.
❏ Rating
The Rating column displays the rating. To set the rating for an image, click on the desired rating on the
rating icon underneath the thumbnail or within the ratings and labels toolbar.
❏ Status
The Status column displays an edited icon for NEF images that have been edited and saved within the
Capture NX 2 editor or by ViewNX. If the file contains versions, the number of versions contained within
the image will be displayed in this column. For more information on version, please see Version in
Chapter 15, “Edit List”.
❏ Date Shot
The Date Shot column displays the date the image was created.
❏ Date Modified
The Date Modified column displays the date the image was last modified.
❏ Size
The Size column displays the size of the file, in KB or MB.
❏ Type
The Type column displays the image’s file type.