244 Chapter 26 — Appendix: Short-cuts | Adjust Menu
Adjust Menu
Filter Menu
Batch Menu
Tool Windows Macintosh
Levels & Curves Ctrl + L / Ctrl + M command + L / command + M
Contrast / Brightness Ctrl + Alt + Shift + C command + option + shift + C
LCH Ctrl + Shift + L command + shift + L
Color Balance Ctrl + B command + B
Saturation Ctrl + U command + U
Tool Windows Macintosh
Black and White Conversion Ctrl + Shift + B command + shift + B
Tool Windows Macintosh
Run Batch Process Ctrl + Alt + Shift + B command + option + shift + B
Tool Windows Macintosh
Show Selection Overlay (toggle on/off)
Shift + O shift + O
Show Selection Mask (toggle on/off) Shift + M shift + M
Show Active Selection (toggle on/off) Ctrl + H command + H
Show Lost Highlights Shift + H shift + H
Show Lost Shadows Shift + S shift + S
Show Focus Area Ctrl + Shift + F command + shift + F
Zoom to 100% Ctrl + Alt + 0 command + option + 0
Fit to Screen Ctrl + 0 command + 0
Zoom In Ctrl + + command + +
Zoom Out Ctrl + - command + -
Full Screen FF
Presentation PP
Hide Palettes Tab tab