Chapter 13 — The Toolbar | Neutral Control Point 99
To add a neutral control point to your image, follow these steps:
After a neutral control point is added to the image, the following options will be available in the B / W / N
Control Point step of the Edit List palette:
Click on the neutral control point icon in the toolbar. The cursor will change to a crosshair.
Identify an object that should be neutral and click on
that object to place a neutral control point. A B / W /
N Control Point step will be added to the Edit List
palette, with a neutral control point sub-step. You
can reposition the neutral control point by clicking
and dragging it. Please note that you may add
multiple neutral control points.
Adjust the effect of the neutral control point by
either clicking and dragging the red, green, and blue
sliders, or by entering values directly into the text
boxes in the neutral control point sub-step of the B /
W / N Control Point step in the Edit List palette.