Chapter 20 — Adjust Menu | Color > LCH 191
The Master Lightness channel provides you with the following controls:
q Curve Editor
The curve editor is where the majority of the enhancements are made within the
LCH feature. Within the curve editor, you are presented with a histogram that
represents the total luminosity values within your image. A luminosity curve
superimposed above this histogram enables you to control the relationship of
input luminosity values to output luminosity values.
The histogram displays a bar graph representing the total number of pixels that
appear at different levels of luminosity. The horizontal axis represents the
luminosity level, while the vertical axis represents the number of pixels at each
luminosity level found within the current image. The left side of the horizontal axis
represents the darkest tones of your image, while the right side represents the
lightest tones in the image. The histogram is very helpful in determining how to
adjust the settings within the Master Lightness channel.
Click directly on the luminosity curve to add an anchor point that can be moved
and adjusted. By increasing the slope of the curve, you will increase the contrast in
the image. Decreasing the slope of the curve will decrease the contrast in the
image. The anchor points may also be set to minimize the amount of change that
occurs to a tonal range of the image.
Anchor points can be removed by simply clicking and dragging the anchor point
outside of the curve editor.
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