116 Chapter 13— The Toolbar | Selection Gradient Tools
Selection Gradient Tools
The selection gradient tools enable you to gradually blend
between applying and removing the current step’s effects
on your image. You can use the selection gradient tools to
selectively apply any enhancement found within the
Adjust or Filter menus, as well as the color, black, neutral,
and white control points.
A Please note: If you start applying a selection without an
enhancement active or in an empty new step, the selection
display will automatically be set to overlay mode. While in
overlay mode, the selection will be displayed as a semi-
transparent color superimposed on your image. After selecting an enhancement from the Adjust or Filter
menus, the selection display will automatically revert to “None”, ensuring that you see only the selected
enhancement applied where you indicated with the selection gradient tool.
There are two selection gradient tools to choose from. You can select among these tools by holding the
mouse down on the selection gradient icon in the toolbar and selecting from the tools that appear.
Linear Gradient Tool
The linear gradient tool adds the current effect to the image with a gradual transition from applying to
hiding the effect in a straight line, with the direction and start and end points determined by the line drawn
when applying this tool.
Radial Gradient Tool
The radial gradient tool adds the current effect to the image in a circular pattern, with a gradual transition
from applying to hiding the effect radiating from a central point, with the center, start, and end points
determined by the line drawn when applying this tool.
To use a selection gradient tool to selectively apply the current step's enhancements to your image, follow
these steps:
Select an enhancement to be applied to your image either from the Adjust or the Filter menus.
Click on the selection gradient icon in the toolbar. Click on the (+) icon if you would like to
determine first where the enhancement starts, or click on the (–) icon if you would like to determine
first where the enhancement ends.