Chapter 20 — Adjust Menu | Focus > Unsharp Mask 201
The Unsharp Mask tool provides you with the following controls:
Use the Color pull-down menu to choose the areas in the image to sharpen based on their color. Select
RGB to sharpen the entire image.
Adjust the Intensity, Radius, and Threshold sliders
to achieve the desired sharpening result.
If desired, additional colors can be selected to
sharpen with different values. Select a different
option from the Color pull-down menu and adjust
the Intensity, Radius, and Threshold sliders again
to determine the sharpening to apply to the
additional color.
You can then adjust the order in which the
sharpening affect is applied by selecting a color from
the list and then pressing either the up or down
arrow provided next to the list. Additionally, you can
delete the sharpening affect applied to a color by
highlighting that color from the list and clicking the
delete button.