234 Chapter 23—View Menu | Compare Images
Compare Images
The three different compare images modes of Capture NX 2 provide you with different options for
comparing images. The first two options, Compare in Editor and Compare in Browser, are only
accessible from within the browser and provide you with the ability to compare two different images. The
Compare with Original option is only available while working on an image within the editor and enables
you to compare the current state of the image with the original state of that same image.
The different compare modes are:
Compare in Browser
Use this option to compare between two, three, or four images in the browser. Simply select the images in
the browser and select Compare in Browser from the View menu. This will display as many as four
equally-sized images within the browser side by side.
Double-click on an image to open it within the editor.
To exit the Compare in Browser mode, either reselect the Compare in Browser option from the View
menu or click anywhere outside of the compared images.