56 Chapter 8 — Interface | Overview
r Folders
The folders palette provides you with an easy-to-access palette which displays the
content of an entire folder in the browser. For more information, please see Chapter
10, “The Folders Palette”.
t Metadata
The Metadata palette displays information about the image provided
automatically by the camera as well as XMP/IPTC data of the image. With this
palette, you can review camera, lens, flash, and exposure information unique to the
selected image as well as review and add XMP/IPTC data to one or more images.
For more information, please see Chapter 11, “The Metadata Palette”.
y Toolbar
The toolbar provides access to the various tools available within Capture NX 2. You
can use these tools to perform various edits, from zooming to rotating the image,
to applying enhancements selectively. For more information, please see Chapter
13, “The Toolbar”.
u Bird’s Eye
The Bird’s Eye shows a portion of the image that is visible in the active image
window, providing the ability to navigate through the image while zoomed in.
For more information, please see Chapter 14, “Bird’s Eye”.
i Edit List
The Edit List palette is the master control list for the features and enhancements of
Capture NX 2. Anything that affects your image will have an entry in the Edit List
palette. Every entry can be removed, altered, or duplicated from this list.
The Edit List palette automatically organizes each entry by steps in chronological
order. This provides you with the ability to turn on or off one or more steps at any
time to monitor the effect on your image. You can selectively apply steps with the
selective tools found in the toolbar, you can place multiple enhancements within
one step by linking enhancements, and you can create batch processes based on
the contents of the steps. You can also manually create new steps using the New
Step button.
For more information, please see Chapter 15, “Edit List”.
o Photo Info
The Photo Info palette combines the Histogram and Watch Points functionalities
into a single palette. The Histogram section shows a live histogram that reflects the
statistical makeup of the image. The Watch Points section enables you to monitor
the effects of the changes you make to the color values in the image. For more
information, please see Chapter 16, “Photo Info”.
!0 Image Window
Image windows display images within Capture NX 2, along with important
information and controls for the images. For more information, please see the
section “Image Window” later in this chapter.