Epson Research and Development Page 5
Vancouver Design Center
Wind River UGL v1.2 Display Drivers S1D13504
Issue Date: 01/02/01 X19A-E-003-02
Mode0.h should be created using the configuration utility 13504DCFG. For more infor-
mation on 13504DCFG, see the 13504DCFG Configuration Program User Manual,
document number X19A-B-008-xx available at www.erd.epson.com.
6. Open the S1D13504 workspace.
From the Tornado tool bar, select File->Open Workspace...->Existing->Browse... and
select the file “x:\13504\8bpp\13504.wsp” (or “x:\13504\16bpp\13504.wsp”).
7. Add support for single line comments.
The UGL v1.2 display driver source code uses single line comment notation, “//”,
rather than the ANSI conventional comments, “/* . . . */”.
To add support for single line comments follow these steps:
a. In the Tornado “Workspace” window, click on the “Builds” tab.
b. Expand the “8bpp Builds” (or “16bpp Builds”) view by clicking on
the “+” next to it. The expanded view will contain the item “default”.
Right-click on “default” and select “Properties...”. A properties win-
dow will appear.
c. Select the “C/C++ compiler” tab to display the command switches
used in the build. Remove the “-ansi” switch from the line that con-
tains “-g -mpentium -ansi -nostdinc -DRW_MULTI_THREAD”.
(Refer to GNU ToolKit user's guide for details)
8. Compile the VxWorks image.
Select the “Files” tab in the Tornado “Workspace” window.
Right-click on “8bpp files” (or “16bpp files”) and select “Dependencies...”. Click on
“OK” to regenerate project file dependencies for “All Project files”.
Right-click on “8bpp files” and select “ReBuild All(vxWorks)” to build VxWorks.
9. Copy the VxWorks file to the diskette.
From a command prompt or through the Windows interface, copy the file
“x:\13504\8bpp\default\vxWorks” (or “x:\13504\16bpp\default\vxWorks”) to the
bootable disk created in step 4.
10. Start the VxWorks demo.
Boot the target PC with the VxWorks bootable diskette to run the UGLDEMO auto-