Page 8 Epson Research and Development
Vancouver Design Center
S1D13504 Windows® CE Display Drivers
X19A-E-001-04 Issue Date: 01/02/01
Example Installation
Installation for Hitachi D9000 and ETMA ODO
Follow the procedures from your Hitachi D9000 manual and download the following to the D9000
1. Download SEIKO EPSON’s common interface FPGA code (ODO.RBF) to the EEPROM of
the D9000 system.
2. Download the Windows CE binary ROM image (NK.BIN) to the FLASH memory of the
D9000 system.
Installation for CEPC Environment
Windows CE v2.0 can be loaded on a PC using a floppy drive or a hard drive. The two methods are
described below:
1. To load CEPC from a floppy drive:
a. Create a DOS bootable floppy disk.
b. Edit CONFIG.SYS on the floppy disk to contain the following line only.
c. Edit AUTOEXEC.BAT on the floppy disk to contain the following lines.
mode com1:9600,n,8,1
loadcepc /B:9600 /C:1 /D:2 c:\wince\release\nk.bin
d. Copy LOADCEPC.EXE from c:\wince\public\common\oak\bin to the bootable
floppy disk.
e. Confirm that NK.BIN is located in c:\wince\release.
f. Reboot the system from the bootable floppy disk.
2. To load CEPC from a hard drive:
a. Copy LOADCEPC.EXE to the root directory of the hard drive.
b. Edit CONFIG.SYS on the hard drive to contain the following line only.
c. Edit AUTOEXEC.BAT on the hard drive to contain the following lines.
mode com1:9600,n,8,1
loadcepc /B:9600 /C:1 /D:2 c:\wince\release\nk.bin
d. Confirm that NK.BIN is located in c:\wince\release.
e. Reboot the system from the hard drive.