
Departmental Switch Model DS-16B Hardware Reference Manual
Front Panel Diagnostics
If the memory tests OK, the front panel displays:
Related error messages: DIAG-MEMORY, DIAG-MEMSZ,
Port Register Test Pressing <Enter> while
Port Register Test is selected displays a
reminder to take the switch offline if it is not offline. If the message is
displayed, take the switch offline.
Pressing <Enter> starts the test, which checks the switchs ASIC
registers. The ports tested are 0 to 15.
If the test is successful, the panel displays
RegTest: passed.
Related error messages: DIAG-REGERR, DIAG-REGERR_UNRST,
Central Memory Test The centralMemoryTest verifies that the central memory in each
Loom ASIC is functioning correctly by checking the following:
The built-in-self-repair (BISR) circuit in each Loom chip does not
report failure to repair bad cells (bisr test).
The data cells can be uniquely written and read correctly (data
write/read test).
The data in any one asic can be read from any other ASIC (loom
connection test).
Bad parity can be detected and flagged in the error register and
interrupt posted (parity error test).
Buffer number error can be detected and flagged in the error
register and interrupt posted (buffer number error test).
Chip number error can be detected and flagged in the error
register and interrupt posted (chip number error test).
0x10199a10 len 13091456
ramTest: passed
Port Reg Test
RegTest: passed