
Catalyst 6500 Series Switch Content Switching Module with SSL Command Reference
Chapter 2 Content Switching Module with SSL Commands
retries (probe submode)
retries (probe submode)
To set the number of failed probes that are allowed before marking the server failed, use the retries
command in the SLB probe configuration submode. To reset the number of failed probes allowed before
marking a server as failed to default, use the no form of this command.
retries retry-count
no retries
Syntax Description
Defaults The default value for retries is 3.
Command Modes SLB probe configuration submode
Command History
Usage Guidelines This command is used for all probe types.
Note Set retries to 2 or more. If retries are set to 1, a single dropped probe packet will bring down the server.
A setting of 0 places no limit on the number of probes that are sent. Retries are sent until the system
Examples This example shows how to configure a retry count of 3:
Cat6k-2(config-slb-probe-http)# retries 3
Related Commands probe
show module csm probe
retry-count Number of probes to wait before marking a server as failed; the range
is from 0 to 65535.
Release Modification
CSM release 1.1(1) This command was introduced.
CSM-S release 1.1(1) This command was introduced.