
Catalyst 6500 Series Switch Content Switching Module with SSL Command Reference
Chapter 2 Content Switching Module with SSL Commands
show module csm serverfarm
show module csm serverfarm
To display information about a server farm, use the show module csm serverfarm command.
show module csm slot serverfarm [name serverfarm-name] [detail]
Syntax Description
Defaults This command has no default settings.
Command Modes Privileged EXEC
Command History
Examples This example shows how to display server farm data:
Cat6k-2# show module csm 4 serverfarm
server farm predictor nat reals redirect bind id
FARM1 RoundRobin S 4 0 0
VIDEO_FARM RoundRobin S 5 0 0
AUDIO_FARM RoundRobin S 2 0 0
FTP RoundRobin S 3 0 0
Table 2-2 describes the fields in the display.
slot Slot where the CSM resides.
name (Optional) Displays information about a particular server farm.
serverfarm-name (Optional) Name of the server farm.
detail (Optional) Displays detailed server farm information.
Release Modification
CSM release 1.1(1) This command was introduced as show ip slb serverfarm.
CSM release 2.1(1) This command was changed to show module csm slot serverfarm
(for ip slb mode rp only).
CSM-S release 1.1(1) This command was introduced.
Table 2-2 show module csm serverfarm Command Field Information
Field Description
server farm Name of the server farm about which information is being displayed.
Information about each server farm is displayed on a separate line.
predictor Type of load-balancing algorithm used by the server farm.
nat Shows whether server and client NAT is enabled.
reals Number of real servers configured in the server farm.