
Catalyst 6500 Series Switch Content Switching Module with SSL Command Reference
Chapter 2 Content Switching Module with SSL Commands
serverfarm (policy submode)
serverfarm (policy submode)
To associate a server farm with a policy, use the serverfarm command in the SLB policy configuration
submode. To remove the server farm from the policy, use the no form of this command.
serverfarm primary-serverfarm [backup sorry-serverfarm [sticky] [threshold {inservice
real_value}[sticky][outservice real_value]]
no serverfarm
Syntax Description
Defaults This command has no default settings.
Command Modes SLB policy configuration submode
Command History
Usage Guidelines Use the serverfarm command to configure the server farm. Only one server farm can be configured per
policy. The server farm name must match the name specified in the serverfarm module CSM
configuration submode command. By default, the sticky option does not apply to the backup server farm.
To remove the backup server farm, you can either use the serverfarm command without the backup
option or use the no serverfarm command.
The backup sorry-serverfarm [sticky] value defines whether the sticky group applied to the primary
server farm is also applied for the backup server farm. If you do not specify stickiness for the primary
server farm, then stickiness also is not applied to the backup server farm.
For example, if you have a sticky group configured for a policy, the primary server farm in this policy
becomes sticky. The client will be stuck to the configured real server in the primary server farm. When
all of the real servers in the primary server farm fail, new requests from this client are sent to the backup
server farm.
primary-serverfarm Character string used to identify the server farm.
backup sorry-serverfarm (Optional) Sets the sorry server farm name to the backup server farm.
sticky (Optional) Enables stickiness to the backup server.
threshold (Optional) Configures the server farm health threshold.
inservice real_value (Optional) Specifies the number of active real servers required for the
server farm to be activated.
outservice real_value (Optional) Specifies the minimum number of active real servers
required to remain as healthy. The outservice real_value must be
lower than the inservice real_value.
Release Modification
CSM release 1.1(1) This command was introduced.
CSM release 3.1(1) The sorry server (backup server) option was added to this command.
CSM release 4.2(1) The threshold inservice real_value and outservice real_value
options were added to this command.